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Rachel Shapiro, Liam Powell, Christopher Brady, Meghan Fredette, Whitney Herge, Andrew Keener, Kyra Aufferman, Sean Keck, Jenni Logan, Samantha Koller, Jack Politis, Kristen Shaw, Emily Gruber, Denise Ekenstierna, Lukasz Kosakowski, Mary Sasso .
Published by Boston College, 2006
Seller: Katsumi-san Co., Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.
(5-star seller) Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
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Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good
US$ 9.95
Within U.S.A.
Quantity: 1 available
Soft cover. Condition: Very Good. Wrappers have wear. 103 p., illustrated. [b 119].