Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul,, 2023
Seller: FIRENZELIBRI SRL, Reggello, FI, Italy
Condition: COME NUOVO. A cura di Murat Çayli. Traduz.di Serhat Pir Tosun. Hristiyan dünyanin liderleri ve dinî otoriteleri gizlice bu kitabin gün isigina çikardigi mevzubahis dahi edilemez seyi yaptilar; yani farkli sahsi veya siyasi sorunlarini çözmek için Türklere basvurdular. Bu durum özellikle Rönesans Italya'sinda yasanmis hatta diger Hristiyan prenslerle anlasmazliga düsen bazi papalar da bu uygulamaya dâhil olmuslardir. Giovanni Ricci Hristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar arasindaki ayrim çizgisinin geçirgenligini çagdas kaynaklarin yaniltici taraflarina kanmadan analiz ediyor. Bu süreçte meydana gelen mektuplasmalari ve elçi teatilerini gizli müzakereleri hediyelesmeleri casusluk faaliyetlerini ve basvurulan hileleri 1453'te Konstantinopolis'in fethinden 1571'deki Inebahti Muharebesi'ne kadar uzanan zaman diliminde anlatiyor. Haçli Seferi retorigine ragmen Türk gücünün Avrupa diplomasi masasina oturmasinin hikâyesi üzerine insa edilen Türk Beklentisi:Rönesans'in Parçalanan Sinirlari Serhat Pir Tosun'un özverili çevirisiyle okuyucuyla bulusuyor. cm.14x21, pp.208, Istanbul, Selenge Yayinlari cm.14x21, pp.208, brossura, copertina figurata a colori. Testo in turco. brossura, copertina figurata a colori.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2005., Istanbul:, 2005
ISBN 10: 9758839276 ISBN 13: 9789758839278
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: Fine. SUSA, AHMET Tarihte Araplar ve Yahudiler. Iki Ibrahim, iki Musa, iki Tevrat. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2005. 8vo., 515 p. Paperback. Fine ISBN: 9789758839278 CATALOG: Islamica KEYWORDS: Arabs Jews Middle East Palestine Israel History of religions.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2006., Istanbul:, 2006
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. KALANKATLI MOSES Alban tarihi ve Alban salnamesi. Trans. by Yusuf Gedikli. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2006. 8vo., 383 p. Paperback. New ISBN: CATALOG: Caucasus & Central Asia KEYWORDS: Caucasus Azerbaijan.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Verlag, 2004
ISBN 10: 9758839187 ISBN 13: 9789758839186
Language: German
Seller: Antiquariat Frank Dahms, Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany
19,5 cm, Softcover/Paperback. Condition: Gut. 407 S., 14 Fotos, Vom Autor signiert. // guter Zustand // 0,2,2 ISBN 9758839187 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 380.
Published by Selenge Yayincilik, Istanbul, 2016
ISBN 10: 605494410X ISBN 13: 9786054944101
Language: Turkish
Seller: Khalkedon Rare Books ABA, ILAB, IOBA, ESA, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. Paperback. Pbo. Demy 8vo. (22 x 15 cm). In Turkish. 183 p. Kültür tarihi açisindan Iskit-Türk aydinligi. Turkic/Turkish-Scythe illumination in the light of cultural history.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2008
Seller: Khalkedon Rare Books ABA, ILAB, IOBA, ESA, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft Cover. Condition: Fine. Paperback. Demy 8vo. (21 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 191 p. Türk halklarinin kökeni. Origin of the Turkic peoples.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2023
ISBN 10: 6256967410 ISBN 13: 9786256967410
Language: English
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. In this compelling book, the exploration of Scythian-Turk cultural identity unfolds across chapters, each delving into distinct aspects of historical and linguistic connections. The first chapter navigates the mid-20th-century parallels drawn by Western scholars between Babylonian/Sumerian languages and those of the Scythians and Turks. It explores reactions in 'Semitic' and 'Aryan' spheres, shedding light on the intricate web of cultural perceptions. Chapter two reveals the overlap between regions inhabited by Turks and the term "Turk Isqûtiya" in early Arabic history and geography books. It also probes into the cultural identity of Turanian Afrasiab, juxtaposed with the 'other' of ancient Persians. The third chapter delves into the cultural and linguistic identity of Scythian-Turks in the context of the Old and New Testaments, Qur'anic literature, and early Christian texts. It offers a captivating perspective on how these ancient texts contribute to our understanding of a shared heritage. In this succinct journey, the book provides a captivating glimpse into the intricate threads that bind Scythian-Turk cultural identity through the corridors of time and diverse textual landscapes. Editors: Translator: 208 pages.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2008., Istanbul:, 2008
ISBN 10: 9758839349 ISBN 13: 9789758839346
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: As New. DUNLOP, D. M. Hazar Yahudi tarihi. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2008. Large 8vo., 304 p. Paperback. As new ISBN: 9789758839346 CATALOG: Caucasus & Central Asia KEYWORDS: Jewish Caucasus Judaism.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2006., Istanbul:, 2006
ISBN 10: 975883942X ISBN 13: 9789758839421
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. RASONYI, LASZLO Dogu Avrupada Turkluk. Prepared with notes by Yusuf Gedikli. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2006. 8vo., 539 p. Paperback. New ISBN: 9789758839421 CATALOG: Turcology KEYWORDS: Eastern Europe Turks Turcology Rasonyi'nin genellikle dil uzerine yazdigi makalelerini topladigimiz bu eserinde, unlu bilginin bilhassa Kuman Turklerinin sahis adlarina dair yaptigi arastirma ve incelemelerin butunune yer verilmistir. Eserde Rasonyi'nin Turkce yayimlanan 22 makalesi ve bir risalesi mevcuttur. (Turk Kulturu dergsiinde Lydia Rasonyi adina yayimlanan "Turklerde halicilik terimleri ve haliciligin mensei" isimli makalenin de Laszlo Rasonyi'ye ait olduguna inandigimiz icin onu da kitaba dahil ettik. Yusuf Gedikli.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Verlag, 2003
ISBN 10: 9758839160 ISBN 13: 9789758839162
Language: German
Seller: Antiquariat ExLibris Erlach Eberhard Ott, Ochsenfurt - Erlach, BY, Germany
Association Member: GIAQ
8° (19,4cm), OKart. 2. korrigierte Auflage. 1. Buch: 240 S., 2. Buch: 407 S. und 16 S. mit Farbfotos. Zustand: sehr gut. Einband leicht beschabt. - "Ein ungewöhnliches Tagebuch mit Schilderung einerseits des aktuellen individuellen, als auch des allgemeinen Geschehens im Zeitraum der Auswanderung des Autors in die Türkei vom März bis Mai 2003. Rückerinnerungen, Vergleiche und allgemeines Gedankengut eines viel gereisten Mannes, der als berenteter Facharzt für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin zum Buchautor geworden ist (Verlagstext)." Der Gewinn aus dem Verkauf des Buches dient alleinig der Restaurierung der kulturhistorisch wertvollen Fresken des Sumelaklosters in Ostanatolien ! Zu Teil III.: Nach "Erkundung" und "Entscheidung" schließt dieser Band das "Tagebuch" ab. Mehr noch, als in den beiden ersten Teilen, dienen die kalendarisch aufgefürten Erlebnisse lediglich einem Grundgerüst, während Ausführungen zum heutigen Lebensstil und der Entwicklung der Gesellschaft in den Vordergrund treten. Weiterhin dienen Erlöse aus dem Verkauf alleinig der Restaurierung der Fresken des Sumela-Klosters in Ostanatolien. ISBN: 9758839160 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 595.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2006., Istanbul:, 2006
ISBN 10: 9758839470 ISBN 13: 9789758839476
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. DUGLAT, MIRZA HAYDAR Tarih-i Residi. Geride biraktiklarimizin hikayesi. Translated by Osman Karatay. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2006. Large 8vo., 683 p., 1 folding map. Paperback. New ISBN: 9789758839476 CATALOG: Caucasus & Central Asia KEYWORDS: Turkish history Central Asia.
Seller: Khalkedon Rare Books ABA, ILAB, IOBA, ESA, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. Paperback. Demy 8vo. (22 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 323 p., color ills. Sari Uygurlar. A study on the Yugurs (Yellow Uygur peoples).
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2012., Istanbul:, 2012
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. Karadeniz, Yilmaz Iran Tarihi (1700-1925). Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2012. Large 8vo., 576 p. Paperback. New ISBN: CATALOG: Islamica KEYWORDS: Iran Islam History.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2013
Seller: Khalkedon Rare Books ABA, ILAB, IOBA, ESA, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. Paperback. Pbo. Mint. Large Roy. 8vo. (25 x 16 cm). In Turkish. 622 p. Original language: Arabic. The Anatolian Principalities, Ilkhanid period, The Ottoman Empire, Tamerlane, and Mamelukes' Turkish and Circassian period, and Mongols' invasions. En-nücumu'z-zahire. (Parlayan yildizlar). Translator: D. Ahsen Batur.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2021
ISBN 10: 6257459184 ISBN 13: 9786257459181
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 128 pages.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2002., Istanbul:, 2002
ISBN 10: 9757856401 ISBN 13: 9789757856405
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. GUMILEV, LEV NIKOLAYEVIC Hunlar. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2002. First edition. 8vo., 665 p., 6 b/w plates. Paperback. New ISBN: 9789757856405 CATALOG: Caucasus & Central Asia KEYWORDS: Hun Turkish history Central Asia Turcology.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2013
ISBN 10: 9758839071 ISBN 13: 9789758839070
Language: Turkish
Seller: Khalkedon Rare Books ABA, ILAB, IOBA, ESA, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. Paperback. Pbo. Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 450 p. Hazar çevresinde bin yil. Etno - tarih açisindan Türk halklarinin ve çevre halklarin sekillenisi üzerine. Translated by D. Ahsen Batur. 1000 years around the Caspian Sea; Ethno-history of Turkic and other peoples.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2013
ISBN 10: 9758839993 ISBN 13: 9789758839995
Language: Turkish
Seller: Khalkedon Rare Books ABA, ILAB, IOBA, ESA, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. Paperback. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In Turkish. 185 p. Anonim Haçli tarihi. History of the Crusades.
Published by Istanbul : Selenge, 2009
ISBN 10: 9758839667 ISBN 13: 9789758839667
Seller: Antiquariat Bäßler, Vohenstrauss, Germany
First Edition
OPappeinband, mit Lesebändchen. 314 S. ; 20 cm Seiten hell und sauber, Einband an Ecken und Kapital bestoßen, sauber, etwas begriffen, private Widmung auf Vorsatz Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 505.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2022
ISBN 10: 6257459540 ISBN 13: 9786257459549
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Polat, Süleyman; Polat, Ü. Gülsüm Translator: 256 pages.
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Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2021
ISBN 10: 6257459141 ISBN 13: 9786257459143
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 128 pages.
Published by Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2002., Istanbul:, 2002
ISBN 10: 9757856371 ISBN 13: 9789757856375
Language: English
Seller: BOSPHORUS BOOKS, Istanbul, Turkey
Soft cover. Condition: New. GUMILEV, LEV NIKOLAYEVIC Muhayyel hukumdarligin izinde. Istanbul: Selenge Yayinlari, 2002. 8vo., 416 p., b/w ills. Paperback. New ISBN: 9789757856375 CATALOG: Caucasus & Central Asia KEYWORDS: Central Asia Russia China.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2021
ISBN 10: 6257459222 ISBN 13: 9786257459228
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 312 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2024
ISBN 10: 6256967712 ISBN 13: 9786256967717
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Atlioglu, Yasin; Yildiz, Tuba Translator: 272 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2024
ISBN 10: 6256967747 ISBN 13: 9786256967748
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 128 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2024
ISBN 10: 6256967860 ISBN 13: 9786256967861
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 208 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2024
ISBN 10: 6256967771 ISBN 13: 9786256967779
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 216 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2024
ISBN 10: 6256967623 ISBN 13: 9786256967625
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 400 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2024
ISBN 10: 6256967666 ISBN 13: 9786256967663
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 264 pages.
Published by Selenge Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2023
ISBN 10: 6256967313 ISBN 13: 9786256967311
Seller: Istanbul Books, Istanbul, Turkey
Condition: New. Editors: Translator: 144 pages.